Make your work stand out from the crowd with these 30 unique shader brushes.
These brushes for Photoshop, Affinity, and Procreate will allow you to build up smooth texture gradients.
Here's what you get:
- 30 pressure-sensitive brushes - 10 different texture patterns, each with [Light • Medium • Dark] versions. Use a pressure-sensitive drawing tablet for ultimate shading control.
- PDF Guide & Instructions
- Free updates (Stay tuned. We have some special additions in the works!)
Software Compatibility
- for PHOTOSHOP (CS4, CS5, CS6, CC or newer) for desktop Mac and PC. Not compatible with Photoshop iPad App.
- for AFFINITY Designer & Photo (1.10.4 or newer) for Mac, PC, and iPad.
- for PROCREATE iPad app, version 5.2.4 or newer.
These brushes and textures are not compatible with Illustrator, Fresco, Inkscape, GIMP, Pixelmator, Mobile Apps, Canva, or other software.